Visit the Hill 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

State Historical Building

Des Moines, IA


It is that time of year again, time to let your voices be heard on "the Hill"! 


 Join Iowa ACAC and the Iowa School Counselors Association for our FREE Advocacy event to learn more about what is happening in the State Capitol and how it affects our education system.

Educational session topics will include discussion on Advocacy, College & Career Planning for all Ages, Mental Health & Support, and Financial Awareness, which should all assist when we head up to the Capitol to speak with representatives.

Professional School Counselors and other educators: We know that funding is sometimes the piece that doesn’t always fall into place and Iowa ACAC would like to try to help with that. Please consider filling out the application for the travel scholarship to help get you and your students to this event!

Visit the Hill Travel Scholarship  (Download and submit to [email protected].)

For more information, or to get involved with the Government Relations committee, contact Government Relations Chair Sabrina Tapps Fee at [email protected].

Government Relations Committee

Sabrina Tapps Fee, Mount Mercy University, Chair
Susie Hakeman, Central College
Josh D'Amico, Mount Mercy University   
Andrew Eisenman, Cedar Falls High School  
Heather Gaumer, Sallie Mae