2024-2025 College Fair Schedule

Fees for 2024-2025
One Fair (In-State or Out of State): $350
In-State Reduced Participation (2-5 fairs): $600
In-State Full Participation (More than 5 Fairs): $650
Out-of-State Reduced Participation (2-5 fairs): $750
Out-of-State Full Participation (More than 5 Fairs): $850

Late registration opportunity is open for spring fairs through January 17. 

A late fee of $300 will be assessed.

If you are already registered for fairs, but wish to make additions or changes, please email [email protected].


No new registrations accepted after January 17.

All registrations include a one-year complimentary membership. The person completing the form is the person to whom all correspondence about fairs will be sent and is responsible for communicating that information to the representative attending. 

Watch this page, listserv messages and our Facebook page for updates on programs.